October 2015

Signet Seals take display pack to Innovation Day

Signet Seals were out to cause a stir at an Innovation Event Day in London when they contacted BoxcoUK to create a great presentation for their samples.

The Innovation Day was being held in London, and the purpose of the event was to bring new ideas to all of their marketing, design and procurement teams.  Signet needed something to hand out, a personalised gift, alongside samples, and something that would give everyone a reason to remember them.


Bespoke printed ribbon handles and Signet’s very own seal

Signet detail 1









Business card holder cut-out in the lid and inlay designed around gifts & samples

Signet detail 2









Roy Lyon, Signet, says

Working with BoxcoUK our Marketing team put together the contents for this sample presentation pack which was for what we call an ‘Innovation Day’ held in the Head Offices of one of our largest clients to bring new ideas to all of their marketing, design and procurement staff as well as their associated Design Agencies and Preferred Suppliers of Presentation Packaging.
We wanted to hand out a personalised gift and sample pack that would give everyone something to remember us for and I would say we definitely achieved this, with a pack that contributed greatly towards a really successful event.  Thanks again.


Ronnie Devine, BoxcoUK, says

The ribbon handles lend that elite and charming look, luxurously soft and easy to carry – they don’t cut into your wrist like some bags do.  Possibly best seen balanced alongside a Champagne glass in the same hand!  Ultimately the pack was designed to look “rich” and, working with Signet, I think we achieved this.


Drinks on the house…(Head over for your next exhibition pack)

For highly effective Welcome Packs that Win more…Call BoxcoUK on 020 3011 0211 and arrange an appointment

Customer Service Training Certificates arrived!

After a high pressure six month training period between January and June this year, the team celebrated the arrival of the Pass certificates on Monday.   Thanks go to the team at Quest for helping us through!