March 2016


Tasty viscount biscuit pack delivers massive message to new users

The company, Kantar World Panel provides consumer insights on all aspects of shopper behaviours, from personal care to petrol, fashion to fast-moving goods such as food and drink, allowing businesses, across the world, to take decisions based on real facts gathered from reliable data.

Kantar needed to send a message that was clear, to new prospectives, portraying graphically the depth of their insights into consumer behaviour. They had also reached a level of 30,000 UK households participating on their consumer panel…

Working with this statistic BoxcoUK came up with the sliding packaging that revealed the green zeros in the “30,000” which were green Viscount biscuits and very tasty for the recipient to share and enjoy while they read the Kantar brochure, which was a slim folded leaflet delivered alongside.

The campaign was highly effective in pointing out that Kantar’s consumer panel of participating households had now reached 30,000 and, because of this, now offers a greater level of accurate insight to brand owners base decisions on real consumer buying behaviours.


David Bottazzi, Creative Consultant, comments,

“The Kantar project went well – BoxcoUK certainly helped to develop the marketing piece that was very successful as far as I remember. Thanks again.”

Elspeth Devine, Production Manager, comments from BoxcoUK

“It’s amazing how simple the ingredients can be for a good memorable marketing piece. This was a clear message delivered alongside something edible. What greatly helped the Kantar pack was that there was enough biscuits to share, making it a good office-stopper, or ‘meeting moment’, certain for success.”

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